Friday, May 30, 2014

Heidi's Homebirth

Birth without fear.
Birth as it was meant to be.
Joyful Birth.

I just want to say thank you to my incredible birth team!

First, to my husband, Brandon, who was there beside me the entire time. He prayed, loved and supported me with every part of the labor, which helped made the process a joy! I am so thankful to share this life with him!

Thank you to my midwives, Brigitte and Charity, who always make me feel incredibly safe and encouraged. They put their heart into what they do, and it really makes all the difference when you feel so vulnerable. 

Thank you Karen, who was both my doula and photographer. The grace you carry to lift up the mother is incredible. Your prayers, and your ongoing affirmation was simple, yet supernatural. And the way you captured the birth of our beautiful baby is breath-taking!